Parshas Vayakel 5782

Make It Special!!!

The Torah talks, in this week’s Parsha, about Shabbos again. It tells us, “And on the seventh day it should be holy.”

R’ Shmuel Wosner tells a story about a man from Krakow named Rav Yosef Steinharter HY”D. This man knew all of Torah by heart.

R’ Wosner once asked him why he was zocheh to all of the Torah he knew. He responded as follows:

“We were a group of bochurim that decided that Friday afternoon we would get dressed for Shabbos early to learn the hardest parts of the Gemara for a few hours before Shabbos. Maybe that is the Zechus.”

Friends, we have a day, once a week, to spend with our Creator. Let us make it special. Let us show Hashem that it is so special, that we want it earlier.

Good Shabbos,

Parshas Ki Sisa

Take a Break

The Torah is this weeks Parsha tells us the following Pasuk (31:15) “Six days you should work, and on the seventh day is Shabbos Shabboson ………………………” What does it mean “Shabbos Shabboson”? Rashi explains that this means a real rest, and not a temporary rest. What does that mean? For that we need to see Rashi in Parshas Yisro (20:11) “When Shabbos comes, in your eyes you have to see as though all your work is done, so you should not think about what you have to do after Shabbos.”

Rabbeinu Yonah in Sefer Igeres Hateshuva (Yom Hey, Klal A, 4) writes, it is forbidden for a person to have his heart busy with his business on Shabbos, even just thinking about business, as it says in the Pasuk, “And you shall do all your work.” Rabbeinu Yonah goes on to quote the Mechilta that says that it should be in your eyes as though all your work is done, so you don’t think about it. We say in Ritzei in Birkas Hamazon, “There should not be any pain and anguish on our day of rest.”

The Gemara in Masechet Shabbos (190B) brings down the following story. There was once a chassid, whose fence got a hole on Shabbos. He wanted to go fix it, but he remembered it was Shabbos, so he did not do it. He felt so bad about thinking of building it on Shabbos, that he promised he would never fix it. The Gemara tells us that in the merit of this, Hashem sent a carob tree to fill in the gap.

We have to remember that Shabbos is the source of blessing, but you have to tap into it to receive that blessing. R’ Moshe Feinstein has a very famous Teshuva. R’ Moshe was asked, why there were so many people that came to the United States from Europe after the war and were Moser Nefesh and gave themselves for Judaism but their children did not value Judaism as much. R’ Moshe answered that those who desert the paths of their fathers do so because their fathers used to come home on Friday and say “Oy, tzu shver tzu zayn a Yid” “wow, is it hard to be a Jew.” When these children heard them, it created a bad flavor.

R’ Yaakov Yosef Herman found out on Shabbos that his store was on fire. He responded “It’s Shabbos and on Shabbos I don’t have a store.” After Shabbos, he went to go assess the damages, and realized it wasn’t his store, but the store next door that burned.

Friends, Shabbos is a “Matana Al Minas L’hachzir” “A gift which is yours, on condition we give it back with Havdalah.” “Shabbos is M’ein Olam Habah” In Olam Habah, there is no later, this is it. On Shabbos, there is no after Shabbos, this is it, nothing else exists. Let us all realize the true bracha that Shabbos gives us and thank Hashem for this amazing gift by keeping it with everything that comes with it. On Shabbos, nothing else matters.

Good Shabbos,

Parshas Tetzaveh 5782

Know who YOU are!!

In this weeks Parsha We learn that Hashem told Moshe to anoint Ahron to be the Kohein Gadol.

The Medrash tells us that Moshe hesitated, and Hashem responded, “Torasi Hi, Ulecha Nisatia. My Torah which is very dear to me, I gave to YOU to give over to the people.

What is the context here?

It is brought down from the Maggid of Vilna, Rav Yaakov Yosef (L’beis Yaakov) that when the Chet Haegel happened, Hashem told Moshe “Reid M’Gadluscha” Go down from your exalted state. Now Hashem tod Moshe to anoint Ahron.

Moshe was a bit upset because he felt that it was something lacking in him that he could not be the kohein Gadol. Hashem was explaining to him, that it has nothing to with him, as the most precious item Hashem given to the jewish nation came with Moshe Rabbeinu. The Fact that Ahron was going to be the Kohein Gadol had nothing to do with where Moshe was holding.

Friends, in life we sometimes look around at our friends and wonder how come they have this or that, maybe there is something wrong with me that I do not have those things. Besides for the issue of Lo Sachmod do not be jealous, the fact that he has X has Zero to do with you. Look deep into your life and see the blessings Hashem has given you that perhaps no one else on the planet got.

Good Shabbos,

Parshas Teruma 5782

Put in the effort

Imagine, that the call we have been waiting for, for the last 2000 years is finally heard and Mashiach arrives and G-d reveals himself once more, Mashiach tells us it’s time, to build the Beis Hamikdash, and anyone who wants to contribute to the building should come donate. Who would not be running to give?

This week’s Parsha tells us, that only the ones with the giving heart were able to give. These were people who watched the Makkos, walked through the Yam Suf, stood at Har Sinai, heard G-d’s voice tell them “Anoichy Hashem Elokecha” how could it be, that there were those who were not giving with a full heart?

The Gemara in Megila tells us “Im Amar Lecha Adam, Yaggati Umatzasi Taamin, Lo yagaati, Umatzasi, AL Taamin.” If a person tells you they worked hard and struggled, and reached what they were searching for, you can believe him. However, if he tells you he reached his potential in what he was searching for, do not believe him for he was illusioned, because it is not possible for him to have reached his potential without working and toiling to get there.

A person has the natural tendency to love what he has earned, ahavas hamamon, and to part with it and be a giver is impossible without working on oneself to develop those character traits. So while yes, that generation on was a much higher plateau, their giving had to be on a much higher level.

Friends, in life, we are sometimes illusioned by the small accomplishments to tell us we are great, and it affects our ego, but we must realize that there is so much more greatness laying ahead of us and we have not even begun the journey if there was no sweat involved.

Good Shabbos,

Parshas Mishpatim 5782

Everyone needs a break

In this week’s Parsha, we learn about the Jewish slave, the Eved Ivri, he is only allowed to work 7 years and then he goes free. If he wants to stay, he has to get his ear pierced. There are many reasons for this piercing, but take a look at the Chizkuni and see what he says. The Chizkuni says a reason for the piercing is to identify the Jewish workers from the non-Jews, and treat them accordingly.

Hashem also tells us in this week’s Parsha another secret of success. “Sheishes Yomim Ta’aseh es Maasecha u’Bayom Hashviei Tishbos.” “Do your thing six days a week, but on the seventh day, take a break for your animals, your staff of servants and maids.”

Everyone needs a break!!!!! G-d is giving us once a week to stop for 24 hours and spend the day totally with Him.
Is that not something to be thankful for?
But wait…… not only do we have weekends but Holidays three times a year, as well.

Thank You Hashem for allowing us to take time off and spend it with You.

Good Shabbos,

Parshas Yisro 5782

He is testing us

After the Jewish nation receives the ten commandments at mount Sinai.The first of which was given over by G-d himself. Moshe tells the nation, Do not be scared, because in order to test you, Hashem has come, so his fear will be on your face and you will not sin.

There are many explanations for what it means to test us. The Ramban in his fourth explanation tells us. That there is no one in the world who does not get tested by Hashem, The rich get tested to see if they will share with the poor. The poor get tested to see if they live with Yesurim. Over here Hashem wanted to see if we would show our appreciation for what he gave us.

Reuvein comes to Shimon and applies for a job, he starts working and a month later he collects a paycheck, does he have an achryus to thank the owner, maybe not, I worked i got paid, end of story. Now what if Reuvein said to Shimon, Shimon, i need help, I need to support my family, i just cant find a job that pays well enough. Shimon tells him, sure come to my office tomorrow morning at 9am. Reuvein comes and Shimon has him doing all kinds of errands and builds a custom job for Reuvein, how much more is Reuveins achryus to say thank you?

Hashem, wants to give us and he gave us a Torah, and makes more mitzvos, so we can do them and be Zocheh to the Matnas chinam Hashem wants to shower us with.

Good Shabbos,

Parshas Beshalach 5782

It is so rewarding!

The Pasuk tells us “V’Chamushim Alu Mitzrayim” What is the word “V’Chamushim” teaching us?

Rashi tells us “that it is telling us that ⅘ of the jews dies in Mitzrayim during Makkas Choshech, and only one fifth came out.” The Perush Yonasan explains “that each family left with exactly 5 children.” The Targum Yerushalmi takes a different approach and tells us “that it means to tell us that they were armed with Mitzvos and Maasim Tovim on their way out of Mitzrayim.”

What Mitzvos and Maasim Tovim is the Yerushalmi talking about? Wasn’t the point of the Korban Pesach and Bris Mila so they would have a Zechus to get out? What does he mean loaded with Mitzvos and Maasim Tovim?
What does The Perush Yonasan mean they all had exactly five children? That is quite some planned parenthood! What is he referring to?
What is Rashi telling us about the four-fifths dieing during Makkas Choshech, why mention that here, obviously the ones who left, were the one fifth to survive?

Perhaps we can suggest that the reality is that Rashi, The Yonasan, and the Yerushalmy are eluding to the same thing.

Correct those who were not zoche to leave Mitzrayim died during Choshech, but what happened to their children? They did not do anything wrong. Comes along the Yonasan and tells us that each man took on children which in reality means they each took on families of children. As they were going into a desert, they had no idea where they would find food for their own children to eat, yet they took on five families of children who had no one to take care of them, Now we understand the Yerushalmi that they were armed with Mitzvos and Maasim Tovim.

At the Yeshiva Darchei Torah dinner in 5778/2018, Rabbi Efraim Shapiro shared the following. The Gemara in Bava Basra 21 tells us that there was one man, who you should remember for the good because if not for him all of Torah would be lost. What was his name? R’ Yehoshua ben Gamla, What did he do? The Gemara tells us, that until R’ Yehoshua ben Gamla came around when there was a child who had a father to teach him Torah, he learned, if he did not then he did not learn.

Rabbi Shapiro, said over in the name of his father, R’ Mordechai Shapiro, What do you mean if not for R’ Yehoshua ben Gamla Torah would be lost? If you have one hundred boys and ten of them nebach do not have a father, unfortunately, they won’t get to learn, but Torah could thrive through the other ninety boys? Rabbi Shapiro answered, that if you could sit and teach your son, and not be worried about another child, and not take care of that other child who does not have his father to teach him, then your Torah is not an authentic Torah, and it won’t have continuity.

We learn in Chazal, how to tell when a person is a jew. Every Jew has these characteristics, Baishanim, Rachmanim, Gomlei Chasadim, People who are embarrassed, compassionate people, people who do kindness.

Friends, at the formation of our nation, when we were leaving the land of Mitzrayim, these characteristics came into play when they took the other four families with them. These characteristics are what define us as a nation. When we show compassion and show that we love who Hashem loves, he will love what we love.

Good Shabbos,

Parshas Bo 5782

He Loves Us So Much

The Parsha starts with Hashem telling Moshe, “I strengthened Pharaoh’s heart, so that I can show My miracles, and so that you can tell your children and grandchildren about how I saved you from Mitzrayim and about all the miracles I performed there, and you will know that I am Hashem.”

One of the Sheish Zechiros is “Remember that I took you out of Mitzrayim.” It is something we should remember every day. However, what the second half of the conversation is telling us, I think, is about the the night of the Pesach Seder. The night of the Pesach Seder is such a beautiful opportunity, when we have a text written by Anshei Knesses Hagedolah to help tell our children and grandchildren about the greatest miracles that happened to us as we became a nation.

Let’s remember though, that when we left Mitzrayim, we were on the 49th level of impurity, and if we would have reached the 50th level, we would have been at a place of no return. Hashem took us out, right on time, and performed all these miracles, when our relationship was so strained and it was at that point that Hashem called us “Bni Bchori Yisroel, My beloved firstborn Yisroel,” talking with such love about us. The Nesivos Shalom tells us that this is the endless love Hashem has for us. We should always remember that no matter how far we are, Ben Melech Nishar Tamid Ben Melech, a prince will always remain a prince.

Friends, let us take to heart how much Hashem loves, and take it to the next level. We see, sometimes (unfortunately), our friends, or our friends’ children, or maybe even our own children, that have begun straying and feel lost and frustrated, and perhaps they have been gone for many years. Let’s remember to always speak to everyone with dignity, as they too are Children of Hashem, making them royal princes. If Hashem loves them infinitely, no matter how far they (or we) have gone away from Him, then we must show the greatest love for them, to the extent that we can. IY”H when we show Hashem how much we love His kinderlach, and rid ourselves of our Sinas Chinam, hating another baselessly, He will show us His ultimate love, with the coming of Mashiach, speedily in our days.

Good Shabbos,

Parshas Vaeira 5782

I always felt that Tefilla, communication with Hashem, takes a certain Holy Chutzpah based on certain things we see in the Torah. For example, when Moshe tells G-d, “if you will destroy the Jewish nation then erase me from Your book.” You are telling G-d what to do? A lightning bolt should come down and kill you on the spot? Instead Hashem says, “You are correct in the way you have spoken.” But where was Moshe’s proof that this works. That proof comes from this week’s Parsha. The Posuk tells us, “And I also heard the groans of the Jewish nation, because the Egyptians are afflicting them, and I remember My deal that I made with Avraham. Therefore, tell the Jewish people I will take them out of the Sivlos of the Egyptians.” “Sivlos”, literaly, means burdens. However the Chidushei Harim points out to us, the root of the word is “Sovel” to handle. In last week’s Parsha, we see that “Moshe went out and saw how they were handling the gallus and he says, ‘now I understand’.”

Friends, when we Daven to Hashem to take us out of this rotten Galus, it has to come from a place of where we cannot stand it anymore. If we are content with being in Galus, then Hashem says they are happy, why should I take them out?

Good Shabbos to all,

Parshas Vayechi 5782

You are unique, yet an integral part of a bigger picture!

We find in this week’s Parsha, Parshas Vayechi, how Yaakov calls his children around him at the end of his life to give them direction in creating K’lal Yisroel. Until then it was him, his father and grandfather; now it is going to be a nation coming from his children. He calls each one over and gives them their own unique bracha, they each have their own mission.

Dearest friends,No two people are the same. G-D does not want two people to do the exact same thing. He created each of us with our own unique mission and purpose and gave each of us the strength to do that. The Ramch”al (in the Introduction to his Sefer Mesilas Yesharim/ Path of the Rightous) tells us that the foundation of a person’s work in this world is to find what purpose he has in this world and then pursue it. G-D does not want you to be someone else at all but to be the best you that you can be.

May we try to be the best us we can be,

Good Shabbos to all,