Parshas Bo 5773

“Ratza Hakadosh Baruch Hu lizakos es Yisroel lifichach hirbah lahem Torah umitzvos …..” G-d very much wants to give us and provides the opportunities to reach there.

The passuk says “Hachodesh hazeh lachem.” Lachem is teaching us that G-d gave this month to us and not to anyone else.

Klal Yisroel was in Mitzrayim to do a Tikkun Olam/ fixing of souls, as after the Cheit of Adam Harishon when he ate from the tree of knowledge, his soul was split up and scattered around the world. Klal Yisroel had to fix a certain contamination that was there.

Now, the Jewish people are getting ready to leave Mitzrayim and get the Torah. We got a new mission, that is to keep the Mitzvos. However, the Torah commands us to do all sorts of mitzvos that require a specific time. Like, Eating Matza on Pesach for example. How are we to keep those mitzvos, if we don’t know when we are supposed to them? G-d is now giving us this control, to set Rosh Chodesh, so we can know exactly when to do those mitzvos.

Good Shabbos to all,