Parshas Mishpatim 5773

In this week’s Parsha, we learn about the Jewish slave, the Eved Ivri, he is only allowed to work 7 years and then he goes free. If he wants to stay, he has to get his ear pierced. There are many reasons for this piercing, but take a look at the Chizkuni and see what he says.The Chizkuni says a reason for the piercing is to identify the Jewish workers from the non-Jews, and treat them accordingly.

Hashem also tells us in this week’s Parsha another secret of success. “Sheishes Yomim Ta’aseh es Maasecha u’Bayom Hashviei Tishbos.” “Do your thing six days a week, but on the seventh day, take a break for your animals, your staff of servants and maids.”

Everyone needs a break!!!!! G-d is giving us once a week to stop for 24 hours and spend the day totally with Him.
Is that not something to be thankful for?
But wait…… not only do we have weekends but Holidays three times a year, as well.
Thank You Hashem for allowing us to take time off and spend it with You.
On a personal note, Hashem THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing me to take time off to come spend it with You in Your home in the Land that You called Kadosh. The land that will see Your Sh’china return to it very soon in our days “v’sechezena Eineinu b’Shuvcha l’Tzion b’Rachamim.”
Good Shabbos from The Holy City of Yerushalayim,
Ps. It is hard for me to say this, but I will be back in NY bright and early Sunday morning.