Parshas Shmos 5773

Moshe grows up in the house of Pharaoh. He then walks outside to his brothers and sees the slavery, he witness an Egyptian man hitting a Jew. Moshe kills and buries the Egyptian  The very next day, he sees one Jew hitting another and he says, “Rasha, wicked man, why are you hitting your friend?” to which the man responds, “Who are you to tell me what to do? Do you want me to tell Pharaoh that you killed the Egyptian?” To which Moshe responds, “Now I understand.”

We see from here 2 things: First, we see how when you see something wrong, i.e. another yid suffering, you can not say “I am living in Pharaoh’s house, I don’t need to worry about this. It is not my issue. You have to feel the pain of your brother who is suffering. The second thing we learn from here is from the words “Now I understand,” from the time Moshe walked out of Pharaoh’s house and saw the pain of his brothers, he could not understand, what did K’lal Yisroel do to deserve such a bitter Galus/exile, he says “Now I understand” because he sees that they have Sinas Chinam/baseless hatred and speak bad about each other.

“Now I understand”.

Friends, “Now we understand”,  from here, what we need to do. Let us work, this shabbos and from now on, on the attitude of Moshe Rabeinu. Let us not be quiet when we see something wrong. Let us not sit back when there is another Yid suffering. Of course, this includes: not hating a Yid for no reason at all, and for sure, never talking bad about a Holy Neshama.