Parshas Tzav 5773

“Hashem told Moshe to COMMAND Ahron and his children (and all of Israel) saying, ‘This is the laws of the Korban Olah, it is a Korban that is Olah on the Mizbeiach and burns there all night until the Morning and the fire of the Mizbeiach should swallow it up’.” Vayikra/Leviticus 6:3

Why does Moshe need to command, why can’t he just say over the Halacha? The answer is that when it comes to Mitzvos that can sometimes be a financial strain on a person he need to be urged a little more to do it.

But hey, let’s face it, if we take a walk through the Calendar of the Jewish Year, you will find that Pesach can get quite pricey, even if you do not hire a cleaning lady to clean the house for you. When was the last time you paid $15 a pound on something that tastes like stale cardboard? OR Sukkos $150 for a “fruit”, Teffilin, Yeshiva Tuition, ETC. about these Mitzvos it does not say command and yet they can also be a financial strain.

Ask any seasoned fundraiser, they will tell you that it is much easier to raise money for a Building Campaign where a person knows, that even if they can not get their name on the plaque outside the classroom or in big bold letters above the doors to the Beis Medrash or outside on the Building, he know he is partaking in something much bigger that will last for a while. However, it is much harder to raise the money for Tuition Scholarships, Salaries, utilities,and food forget about Toiletries and garbage bags.

With every other Korban either the one who brought the Korban ate from it or the Kohein did. Yet, when it came to the Korban Olah no one ate it, it burnt the entire night. Can you imagine what it must have been like for this man to buy/raise a cow and watch the entire thing “go up in flames” literally?

When a person is going to have financial strain in doing the Mitzvah, says Hashem, Command him to do it, urge him.

Good Shabbos to all,
