Parshas Yisro 5773

“Eizehu Chacham Halomed Mikol Adam,” Who is the smart man? The one who learns from every single person. (Avos 4:1)
“Vayishma Yisro” Ma Shmua Shumah Ubah V’nisgayer? The Posuk in the beginning of this week’s Parsha states the words, “Vayishma Yisro” and “Yisro Listened.” The Gemara/Talmud (Menachos 115) asks, “What exactly did Yisro hear that caused him to want to come join the Jewish nation?”
In the Gemara, R’ Elazar Homodaei answers that it was what Yisro heard about Mattan Torah, the Giving of the Torah which caused him to want to come join the Jewish Nation. When The Torah was given to the Jewish nation, the entire earth shook. All the gentiles of the world came running to Bilaam Harasha and asked him what the trembling was, to which he answered, “Don’t worry, nothing’s happening.” So they said, “Bilaam, maybe there is a mabul coming to the world?” Bilaam says, “Hashem already swore that He won’t bring another mabul to the world.” They said, “Hashem swore He would never destroy the world with water but maybe He will destroy it with Fire.” The rasha says “Hashem already swore that he won’t destroy the entire world.” Then they asked “Ok, so what was that big noise?” Listen to what Bilaam Harasha tells them, “Chemda tova yesh lo b’beis gnozo, sh’hosa gnuza etzlo 987 doros kodem shenivra haolam, ubikesh litna libanav.” G-d has a special Treasure which was buried next to Him 987 generations before the world was created and He wants to give it to His children.” To which the gentiles of the world answered “Hashem Yivorech es Amo bashalom/ G-d should bless His nation in peace”
Yisro listened to what Bilaam had to say, and because he was a mivakesh Emes, a seeker of truth, he simply was not satisfied.
Yisro, practiced every religion under the sun but simply was not satisfied until he came to Judaism. When he heard what Bilaam said, that Hashem was giving the ultimate gift to the Jewish people, a Present of TRUTH, he said if that is what is being offered I want in.
You know, I was by the Kotel Thursday night and I said to G-d, “Do You think I am satisfied standing here next to this old wall, it is very nice to be standing here and it is a tremendous Zechus to be in such a Holy place, but it is not enough!!! I want to see a built Beis Hamikdash already.”
You know what I can say I heard G-d saying. “Carlebach, you big talker!!! You are not satisfied, so what?!?!? I should build it just because you are not satisfied?!?! You know you can better the way you Daven, but you are satisfied with the way you daven and don’t feel the need to change, as is the case in many parts of your life. So why should I change the situation of the Beis Hamikdash not built, because you are not satisfied!?!”
Do you know why Yisro has this week’s Parsha named after him? Because he was not satisfied with himself, he knew where he was holding and knew he could be so much more and he did do more until he found that EMES.
Friends, let us all take a look at this gift Yisro is giving us. You can live your entire life searching, but when you find it, you know you found it, and you get a Parsha in the Torah named for you. Let us all try to be mivakshei Emes and always seek the truth in navigating our way through a world full of fallacies. Let us not be satisfied with our level of relationship with Hashem. May Hashem help us strive to even greater heights that He knows, even though we may not, we can reach. Let us find the truth and stick with it and become a real nachas ruach to Hashem and in that Zechus may we see the coming of Mashiach very quickly in our days.

Good Shabbos From The Holy City Of Yerushalayim,